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Ben Sweeney

Based on many factors other than a fingerprint, it is Bianca Sforza. Likely the German attribution controversy is probably because it was sent to Maximillan as an offering of what his future wife would look like, so it probably was in his family's hands for its early life.
Hopefully we will not find that fingerprints can be faked easily... as we found on the Lost Pollock.... (transferred fingerprint found by same scientist).... the can of worms could be huge.... again as long as the vellum is old and the fingerprint is in the underlayer (found with infrared scan) then we have a match.... all the best, ben sweeney

Art History Today

Hi Ben- Thanks for the info. I'd forgotten about the Pollock. I'm fascinated by the 'CSI'aspect of the enquiry- best davidForget the rest, get the best- http://www.tiscali.co.uk/music


Interesting blog, can see you put allot of effort in to maintaining.

Art History Today


Bibi- Ill put a link to your site when Ive got time.



Interesting. I am always fascinated on things related to Leonardo Da Vinci. I'll keep reading your posts. Love the paintings. I learn a lot especially about design and principles

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