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Peter Fuchs

I was just looking at the pdf of the conference you are attending. It looks very fine and intense, with a lot of brilliant people. My favorite is the following, which actually sounds like a good idea, but still, at a distance sounds humorous:

"Madness, Breastfeeding, and the Nature of Women in Renaissance Medicine
Drawing from ancient and medieval traditions, by the end of the fifteenth century academic
medicine in the Latin West had fully developed a notion of the female body as venomous and
prone to cause illness to others. Central to this conception was menstrual blood, understood as
the result of women’s failure to refine blood into semen and as the cleansing process that female
bodies underwent to purge from excess substances regularly during certain life stages. In this
paper we will discuss not only how women’s bodies were conceptualized as potentially
venomous for others but also how they could be harmful to themselves. The physiological
connection between female madness and the impossibility of breastfeeding will be explained
within this framework. We will explore how Renaissance medicine approached these issues in
original academic works and in contemporary commentaries of the Articella — the core of the
medical teaching syllabus." Cheers, Peter

Art History Today

Thanks Pete- That's a good example. I missed a lot of sessions, including that one. You're spoiled for choice at RSA. My next Venetian installment will be on the conference itself. Best- David

Venecijaneri Beograd

yeah!the conference looks very good...right time and right place ..thats it ...great morning walk..cheers

lida daidaihua

Venetian Notes 2: A Morning’s Walk - Art History Today

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