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H Niyazi

Super stuff David!

My eye was also drawn to the Medici palli - though some writers seem to think they are coins, appropriated from the coat of arms of the Arte del Cambio. Who knows...

I'm also envious of your Raphael shelf... I wish I had such a resource!

Hope your trip went well! Will you be posting about it?


Art History Today

I'm planning to say a bit about the Salvator Rosa study day in Dulwich last Sat. I went there after the V&A.

Does Christopher Hibbert in his 'House of the Medici', or whatever its called, say any thing about the Medici insignia? I can't recall.

By the way, you might want to check out this new site- http://www.everypainterpaintshimself.com
I've only just been told about it.


H Niyazi

Cheers for that link David. I'll look into it!

I have the Kindle edition of Hibbert on my smartphone - no Renaissance history blogger should leave home without it!

What it says has been covered in your post and my comment, and adds the fanciful 'shield dents' interpretation, claiming Medici lineage from Averardo, the Knight who fought under Charlemagne. There is nothing more definitive than that unfortunately!


Nike Shox Navina

Regardless of when, never thought he knew everything. Whether people you how evaluation, but you always have the courage to say to yourself: I am no knowledge of the man

Stacey Laird

Thanks so much for covering your journey round exhibits, due to ill health at the moment I'm unable to do as much as it's fantastic to get a running commentary with pictures, Stacey, would have loved to see the tapestries, beautifulx


I read about a hundred blog posts a week and i tend to only comment on a few of them, this is 1 of them.

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