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The art from museums in refurbishment often does travel. Here in Melbourne quite a few of our really big international exhibitions come from closed collections. We had shows from the Musee D'Orsay and Rijksmuseum when they were shut, and this year we had masterpieces from the Staedal Museum. I always assumed this made money for the home museum that went toward the refurb. Also when the National Gallery of Victoria here was was shut for 4 years, those paintings travelled round Australia and America.
I wonder if some of the Tate works are scheduled for some travels, though maybe not round the UK.

Art History Today

Katrina. Thanks.

I didn't know about that the Rijksmuseums works were traveling, but it makes sense.

I don't know what the Tate has got in mind. I'm only going by JJ's blog, but of course he's just speculating too. We might get some inkling next year.

Best- David


During the Cleveland Museum of Art renovation (also, coincidentally enough ending in 2013) several shows travelled. There have also been temporary exhibits for the galleries that are closed, and they have done a good job putting up photographs, models, and didactics about the progress of the construction, which seems to interest many people who come to visit.


This is so frustrating - it's the same with the formerly fantastic Royal Museum in Edinburgh, closed from 2008 until next year, with almost all the collection (inc renaissance sculpture and applied arts) in storage. Apparently we'll get a "21st century museum experience" out of it though. Grrrr.

Art History Today

Sara- Thanks for the information on Cleveland. There's no indication that the current director has travelling the closed collection in mind.

Jill. Thanks. I wonder how many more museums are currently being refurbished? It's a growing problem.

Best- David

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