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H Niyazi

I was interested to hear what you thought of this David! Thanks for sharing.

Very interesting to compare this with the staggering sale of the Alms-Tadema not long ago.

That painting's(Teh Finding of Moses) connection to the film industry was perhaps what tipped it over the line. Similar can be said for Caravaggio's staggering prominence in 2010. As many commentators have noted, his resonance with a modern audience is profound because of the cinematic nature of his images.

This is something you do not get with Poussin, and outside the scholarly and curatorial realms - that star appeal simply isn't there.

I'm also sure the peculiarity of this failure to sell in what many have described as "The Year of Caravaggiomania" has been noted with glee by modern 'Caravaggisti'


Art History Today

Thanks H.

Though I'm not mad on Alma T, I really loved your post on him a few weeks back, especially the 'I Claudius' clip. A very cinematic painter is John Martin whose paintings are crying out for a Cecil B de Mille or similar.

Poussin isn't a celebrity painter at all. His versions of the 'saving of Moses' are calm and unshowy. I couldn't imagine one Poussin image translating well to cinema; Caravaggio on the other hand has significantly influenced modern cinema.

I don't care about the Caravaggisti's glee. I'm just glad Ordination saw off the market.



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