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H Niyazi

Fascinating post David! Tintoretto's 'St. Mark Rescuing a Slave' was the first painting I ever wrote about in an art historical sense, over 18 years ago now!

It is interesting you mention chiaroscuro. In searching for predecessors for Caravaggio, Tintoretto is an obvious choice in my mind, yet not too many others seem to be as keen on the idea. It was pleasing to read Andrew Graham-Dixon acknowledge the possibility in his book last year.

Did Ruskin make any links between Tintoretto and Caravaggio??

Like Carpaccio, I think Tintoretto has spent far too much time in the background in popular discussion of Venetian art. Here's to more posts on Tintoretto(and maybe even Tintoretta!)



What an interesting post! I didn't know that Ruskin was such a fan of Tintoretto!

You've brought up an interesting idea about hierarchy and "elevating [one artist] over another." This hierarchical arrangement of artists has existed for a long time. I am particularly reminded of Vasari's elevation of Michelangelo above other Renaissance artists. But I think you are right: art history is starting to move beyond this trend, at least to some degree.

H Niyazi

I don't think that hierachy is entirely dead yet M!

Art historians may frown on Vasari's Holy Trinity, but most will still look at digital contemporary, street or ephemeral art as baffling or not worthy of contemplation or study.

How many traditional art history textbooks have a section on digital or street art?


Francis DeStefano

When I stood in front of Tintoretto's Crucifixion, I thought that there was just too much to take in. There's too much going on, too many figures. The verticality of the Assunta directs the attention, but the horizontal nature of the Tintoretto diverts it.

Lorenzo Lotto's "Crucifixion" in the little church of Santa Maria in Telusiano in Monte San Giusto is less well known than Tintoretto's, but I was awestruck when I put a coin in the box, and Lotto's incredible vision practically jumped off the wall over the altar.

thanks for the very interesting post and images.


Art History Today

Very good analysis, Frank.

I am starting to appreciate Lotto more and more.


coach     bags

It is generally acknowledged that success requires diligence. Without effort, there could be no accomplishments.


Ruskin & Tintoretto - Art History Today

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