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H Niyazi

Cheers for the mention David. I am pleased that I was able to provide some answers as to what these unscrupulous people were up to.

I too share your objections to monetizing the blogosphere. I feel guilty keeping review copies of books let alone providing ad space on my blog!

That being said, I have nothing against something like the amazon affiliate program, if an art history blogger wants to put a widget that will allow someone to buy a relevant publication, it's not huge conflict of interest, and will merely earn that blogger a discount on their next purchase.

Thanks for the heads up on AHN!

I really must get cracking on that publicly unveiling that project that will make these toplists redundant....coming soon!


H Niyazi

Cheers for the mention David. I am pleased that I was able to provide some answers as to what these unscrupulous people were up to.

I too share your objections to monetizing the blogosphere. I feel guilty keeping review copies of books let alone providing ad space on my blog!

That being said, I have nothing against something like the amazon affiliate program, if an art history blogger wants to put a widget that will allow someone to buy a relevant publication, it's not huge conflict of interest, and will merely earn that blogger a discount on their next purchase.

Thanks for the heads up on AHN!

I really must get cracking on publicly unveiling that project that will make these toplists redundant....coming soon!


H Niyazi

Apologies for the accidental double post! There was some network congestion on my end when I was submitting it!


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