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Richard T Scott

Incredibly interesting article!
As a figurative painter myself, working in a very Baroque style, I have never actually concerned myself with the economics of the period further than, say, how the shift in fashion towards more classicism in Rembrandt's late career bankrupted him (well, among other things, like his decadent lifestyle). Typically, I focus on researching materials, techniques, and philosophy, but, this is a perspective I'd love to investigate in order to form a fuller understanding of the time. So I thank you for the inspiration.

I'll have to take some time to look over your sources before I venture make a more substantive contribution to the topic, but I simply wanted to voice my appreciation.

H Niyazi

Sounds like grim tidings! Whilst I was hoping that the humanities would be nudged into the 21st century with a sense of direction, this was moreso towards collaborative research models and making elements of course content goal or employment oriented.

Economics and art is interesting for the art crime researchers and social historians, but is hardly appealing to those attracted to the arts in an intellectual and creative sense.

Let's hope one of these ridiculous hybrid propsoals doesn't end up being something like: "Caravaggionomics: Murder as a Marketing Strategy"!

Kind Regards

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