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H Niyazi

Fascinating post David! I am very much enjoying this recent series on artists, their studio and processes - as well as the little glimpses of Raphael that slip into them

I always thought it was a great testimony to Raphael's success as a teacher when, after his death the remaining portion of the stanze was left to his pupils as they were seen as capable of fulfilling their masters design - this was done despite initial consideration of re-assigning it to Michelangelo - which I doubt would have pleased him much!


David Packwood

Thanks H.

I think Raphael was a brilliant teacher, and v generous to his pupils. He inspired love and respect in his followers. Yes, you're right about Michelangelo- he would have loathed it!

Another studio post coming v soon.



Lucy Durkin

Fascinating and useful blog! Can you provide any further information about the Carracci which opens this post?

keys pretty

Most of the keys pretty site of origin, only unexpected, no can not find!

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