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« Statement from National Gallery on Poussin. | Main | Shakespeare Titian I »



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H Niyazi

There is likely to be legal follow up - in which case it would be best to not publish certain details of the case. The fellow who inflicted this damage will likely be assessed towards his psychological state. If he has a medical history pertinent to the investigation that will need to be factored in.

That artworks are objects of reverence that seem to get deferential treatment at the expense of other social issues are something that can spark exactly such an attack.

Only by better understanding the nature of the types of persons that can perpetrate these attacks can galleries better equip themselves to spot these individuals and deal with them appropriately.


David Packwood

Hi H, Thanks for the comment.

I know, I know, about the legal dimension.

I think it's also to do with Poussin himself. He's not that well known and JJ is right about his art being "off the beaten track", not that well-known.Perish the thought, but if it had been Turner or some other popular artist, it would have been all over the papers. We'll wait patiently for developments.

Alberti's Window

Hear, hear!

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