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H Niyazi

Cheers for the mention David - that Berenson backflip on the Allendale was fascinating to look into and write about - what a mess!

This is becoming an increasingly discussed topic - and no longer just the domain of specialists - as shows like "Fake or Fortune" have demonstrated. Even reading public comments at places like the Guardian arts blogs, people seem to be more conscious of attributions and the questions they give rise to.

We seem to be bombarded by attribution claims these days, and the individuals entrusted to do the work to verify the claims made are going to have to bring quantitative and qualitative factors into their analysis. With the prices involved and the legal ramifictaions implied - the stakes are higher than ever to develop a sound methodology.

The New York colloquium definitely sounds interesting ; attracting much less attention but equally fascinating was a very recent symposium in San Franscisco on digital techniques used in art verification. I hope its content is published at some point.

Speaking of blockbuster attributions, your readers may be interested in the details behind the *two* Michelangelo paintings from New York and Oxford, forwarded by Antonio Forcellino in 2010. A full write up, incorporating the hefty amount of sources related to it is now up at 3PP.


Kind Regards
H Niyazi


I like your post. You make some good points.

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