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Not surprising, considering his age and health, but a loss none-the-less. A true freethinker and important voice in the contemporary art world, and something of a personal hero. He'll be missed.


Like most Australian undergraduates, I read The Art of Australia (published in 1966) within a couple of years of having written the book. This was my first introduction to Hughes, and a powerful one it was too.

It will not surprise you to know that he was declared an Australian Living National Treasure in the late 1990s.

Rest in peace, Robert.

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To nepřekvapí, abyste věděli, že byl vyhlášen Australský žijící národní poklad v pozdní 1990. 'M žádný odborník na umění renesance na známkách, ale hádám, že ne mnoho menších umělců splnění těchto ocenění. Jsem v pokušení nazvat tento Madony razítka!

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In the Book of Wisdom, Wisdom is portrayed as feminine. My guess is that Wisdom was considered to be so close to the Divine, that she was akin to a bride in that same way that the Church was considered the bride of Christ in the Christian tradition.

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Your article is nice , I read your article to learn a lot and hope to see your next article, look forward to your masterpiece.

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