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Graeme Cameron

A salient post David, and my kind regards and thanks to you for your generous time and earlier posts. Several decades ago I wrote to (Sir) Dr. Timothy Clifford, then Director of NGS, regarding Prof. Martin Kemp's yet to published findings on the two versions "The Madonna of the Yarnwinder", with some preliminary research findings suggesting Buccleuch version most probably by Melzi, (whilst the silghtly superior New York version probably by Sodoma), as also when last auctioned at Sotheby's for about $9000. Both may well have had Leonardo's studio oversight, but subsequent VegaScans show little if any evidence Leonardo's active participation. Likewise the "Litta Madonna" appears predominantly the hand of Boltraffio similarly with his oversight. However, initial findings on the NGLondon's "Virgin of the Rocks" suggested a much closer collaborative effort between Leonardo and most probably Boltraffio, with the latter being the most predominant hand throughout the composition. I hope this may be of interest, prior to hearing other opinions expressed on the subject works. My regards, Graeme C.

Graeme Cameron

It might also be worth mentioning that upon subsequent critical reviews variously published including in The Burlington Magazine etc. of Prof. Kemp's findings on the two versions of, "The Madonna of the Yarnwinder", the general consensus position supported our earlier proposed findings that, "Niether version being by Leonardo but alternatively by his pupils, after his earlier, now lost original. Some recent comments, if correctly understood, that such oversight or minimal involvement by Leonardo may somehow enable a composition to be considered in general terms a "Leonardo" seem perplexing to this researcher.


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