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While I don't agree with you that Brueghel's Hunters in the Snow is one of the greatest pictures in the museum, you won my heart by also nominating Vermeer's Art of Painting.

However my point is a different one. The Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna has one of the largest and most comprehensive collection of art in the known universe, yet not nearly enough space to display it all. So if 90% of their treasures are in storage, and are only displayed for a year before being recycled, how does a visitor know what will be on display and what will not be. You wouldn't need 4 hours to see everything - you would need 9 years!


What a beautifully recounted experience. It recalls my own treasured memories of this paragon of the Austro/Hungarian Empire many decades hence, but still vividly recalled. Their Rubens holdings are also excellent. The unique charm and ever present history and architecture of old Vienna, never ceases to inspire one. It is remains one of the great capitals of art and of Europe.

Francis DeStefano

I too love the KHM. Thanks for the dramatic account of your brief sojourn. Despite the Giorgiones and Raphaels, I still remember the cafeteria most of all.



Four Hours in the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna. - Art History Today


Four Hours in the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna. - Art History Today

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