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his favourite work by raphael was madonna of the goldfinch.

David Packwood

OK Elini. Thanks for that.


When I saw the 'Self portrait with a friend' in Paris, I thought of Hasan. He is the friend of Raphael and every Raphael lover. Of course I was thinking of Hasan at every moment at the Raphael exhibition in Paris.


Hasan, was my older brother, and was a kind, generous and talented man. Our family is in complete shock about his passing. We are extremely proud of his achievements and the lives he touched. It is so important that his legacy lives on. Thanks for your kind words, David.

David Packwood

Glennis and Hasret.

Thanks for your comments.

Hasret, you had a very fine, kind and intelligent brother who will be sorely missed. My deepest sympathies to you and his family.

Glennis, I know what you mean. It's impossible not to think of Hasan when you look at Raphael, such was his love and deep devotion to that great painter.

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